Weekly Photo Challenge: Door

A purple door at the Temple Neuf in Metz, France.

Our theme for the Weekly Photo Challenge this week is:  Door.
Our instructions: For this week’s challenge, publish a new post with a photo of a door (or multiple doors!).  Consider how color affects the image, but also think about size, shape, texture, and details — how might these elements add up to tell a story?

Door, you say?  Oh, happy day!!  I love to take pictures of doors.  And pieces of doors.
I probably have hundreds of door photos.  It’s bordering on obsession.  This challenge is right up my photo alley.

I took this particular photo on a stop in Metz, France, just last month.

These are a set of side-doors to the Temple Neuf, a Protestant church on the Island of Petit Saulcy on the Moselle River.  Temple Neuf was built between 1901 and 1905, (when Metz was part of the German Empire*) in the Neo-Romanesque style.  It’s a very German style of architecture, built as part of Kaiser Wilhlem II’s effort to re-design and “Germanify” the city.
A couple of World Wars later, it remains a unique reminder of German influence.

We weren’t able to get inside the Temple Neuf, so I don’t know what’s on the other side of that purple door.  Or why the door is purple, for that matter.  I was simply struck by the dramatic vibrance of the color, and its contrast with the bright green moss growing on the stone walls.

Nikon P510
ISO 400 | 6.2mm | f/3.3 | 1/13sec


*Historical Footnote:  During the span of the last 144 years, the City of Metz has been in a geographic tug-of-war.  The German Empire annexed Metz after the Franco-Prussian War (1871).  The Treaty of Versailles returned Metz to France after World War I (1919).  The Third Reich re-annexed Metz after the fall of France (1940).  And, in 1944, the American 3rd Army (under George Patton) captured the City of Metz, and it returned to France after the war’s end.


    1. Hi Christian! Metz was such a surprise . . . we intended it to be just a stopover, but ended up LOVING it there! Really a lovely city. Perhaps I will get to Nancy on a future trip. :o) Salud!!


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